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Land of the Evening Star

by Dark Forest

Vesperia 00:00 / 06:58
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Vesperia 06:58
A night sky that is covered in stars is a brilliant map of time And therein burns an evening star; so brilliant, so bright But if a people forgets the source of its light The map is a series of long lost paths Follow this evening star, as long as it's bright For as long as it's bright... I have seen the evening star fast fading.. I have seen the evening star long faded.. A fading star, a fading life A fading map in the night sky And lo! A new dawn will rise! Without this star in the sky They'll act as so it were not As if history didn't be And lost are the times of old And thus, a land without a history...
Quelques arpents de neige une terre desolee de glace et de neige le nord vrai et fort, fier et libre la terre de l'etoile du soir A man crosses the plains Searching for identity, searching for his means He's looking for guidance: "who then are we?" But gone from here his ancestors long are they Through a few acres of snow Had they treaded and forged their path Through river, snow, mountain and field A frontier was made and secured without fear And out of it rose a folk; the new world awoke In the spring through every new sown seed A folk who had dwelled, struggled, survived On just "A Few Acres of Snow" Quelques arpents de neige une terre indesirable de glace et de neige Aueun desir de quoi? inapte pour qui? They who went A mari ad mare ad mare? Twenty thousand men stormed the plain in old world Europa in 1917 Instilling the freedom, instilling the means, the freedom of the fabled Quelques arpents de neige...
Hearth 05:40
A fire burns in a small hut By brothers of hearth surrounded A hearth burns in a small fyrd With brothers of hearth united A flame that burns is a flame that lives And a flame that lives is inside us Through this flame is our past secure And only our past can remind us I remember them before us A hearth burns in a dark place By the flicker of hearth surrounded A fire burns in a focused mind The tools to fight are provided A flame that burns is a flame that lives And a flame that lives will guide us Through this flame is our past secure And only our past can define us I remember them before us
Approaching steadfast from the eastern old world Are the men which only time knows Wind in their sails, flags at full mast From the old world has the new world arose Northmen of the new world stand On guard for the north new world's glorious vast strands We look to the sky, high above towering trees High above plains and mountains; aurora borealis so free Northstar guide us, pride us, provide us With the strength to go on Never will we fail, always prevail Always the true north, strong and free...
Árborg 02:32
In 985CE a Norwegian of name Bjarne Herjulfsson son's son of Bard Herjulfsson traveled bravely to Greenland from Iceland It was custom that Bjarne spend alternate winters in each land with his father. When arriving in Iceland summer 985 he received word that his father had gone to west to Greenland... Bjarne feels uneasy that neither he nor his crew had ever charted these waters. After three days and nights, a fierce north Atlantic storm blows his ship off course in these waters. Bjarne and his crew attempted to regain their course and after several days they encountered a heavily wooded land. Knowing this is not Greenland, he decides it is best not to go ashore, and so they sail away... And so they sail away onto Greenland they find the place that they had long sought with memories of a land not forgot And into the bay he breathes easily as his journey comes to an end And when Bjarne Herjulfsson back in Iceland sells his ship to Lief Eriksson Lief returns onward to this new land Fifteen years since the sighting of the last man. A colony on the eastern shores and a memory of a lost long course Hail, Helluland, Markland, Vinland!


released March 8, 2012

Artwork by Kris Verwimp

David Parks: All Instruments, Programming & Vocals


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Dark Forest Calgary, Alberta

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